Adding captions in MS Word

If you are writing a long MS Word document containing a lot of images, tables or other graphical items, it is preferable, and sometimes required, to add captions to those items in order to be able to easily reference them by their number in the text as well as generate a Table of Figures.
To add a caption, select the item to be captioned in your document and click the References tab.  In the Captions section, click Insert Caption.  (You could also right click over the item and choose Insert Caption from the menu.)

The Caption dialog box will appear with selections to make for the captioning style you would like to use.
The first field in the dialog box (titled Caption:) displays what the caption would look like if you inserted it at this point.  Beneath this are the options you may choose from.  The Label you want should ideally denote the type of item you are captioning.  For example, if you have inserted a Table, then choose the Table label.  Once you have decided on the label you would like to use, then decided on where the caption should appear in relation to the item (Above selected item or Below selected item). 
By default, captions will be numbered sequentially, if you prefer another style, click the Numbering... button to make your selection.  To change the numbering on the caption, click Numbering and make your selection from the formats available, then click OK
Remember to check the caption preview (which appears as the first field in the Caption dialog box) and once you are satisfied with your selections, click OK to insert. 
Happy captioning!

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