My top 5 MS Excel shortcut keys

There are so many shortcut keys in all
the MS Office applications, and I use many of them without much thought as
they have become second nature. These are my top 5 and have been ranked such
due to their popularity with just about everyone I've ever showed them to.  Hope you find them useful too

Insert the current date

Ctrl ;

This inserts the date as a fixed value which
means it will not update daily.  If you require the date to update
automatically use =Today() instead

Insert rows/columns

Ctrl +

New columns/rows will be inserted before the
column/row that is currently selected.

Create a chart using selected data


Creates a new chart on a separate sheet

Navigate through data

Ctrl {arrow keys}

Jumps you from the active cell to the next or last
cell containing data in the dirction of the arrow
pressed.   If nothing is found, you will be moved to the end of the

Quick highlight

Ctrl Shift {arrow keys}

As above, but highlights rather than just
moving through data




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